Language and Content: Review of Gerunds and Infinitives

GRADES 3-5; 6-8; 9-12

Students will:
  1. Make connections among the vocabulary words in a Connect Two activity.
  2. Select random verb cards and construct sentences with them, using gerunds or infinitives.
  3. Complete and compare two Story Maps.


General Vocabulary
crack (v, n) instead of (adv) share (v, n)
deserve (v) regret (v) stage (n)
disaster (n) knife (n) starve (v)
disturb (v) spoon (n) waste (v, n)
hang out (v) refuse (v) video game (n)

  • Gather visuals to help reinforce the vocabulary words.
  • Prepare cards for each of the verbs in the Verb Card activity in the Facts to Know section. The cards in Piles A & B must be kept separate, or they can be color-coded.
    Pile A: plan, promise, agree, like, dislike, hate, love, enjoy, want, decide, forget, finish, hope, keep, stop, remember, convince, regret, prefer, can’t stand, spend time, waste time, refuse, begin, continue, plan on, excited about, nervous about, good at, tired of.
    Pile B: go, travel, study, run, practice, sing, watch, do, play, read, visit, talk, perform, exercise, climb, ride, eat, babysit, taste, be, work, dance, explain, sleep, clean, cook, listen, help, stay, lose.
  • Get a copy of the children’s picture book The Little Red Hen.
  • Make 2 copies for each student of the Story Map Graphic Organizer.
  • Make copies of the Hear It, Say It exercise below, or write it on the board.



  1. Watch the Vocabulary movie to introduce the new words, stopping to ask questions, give examples, and ask students to make connections to the words.
  2. Do a Connect Two activity with the vocabulary words. Using the sentence frame, students connect any two of the words in a way that makes sense to them.
  3. Project the picture side of Flash Words onto the board or interactive white board. Students label the words they know and then flip the pictures to check if they are correct.


  1. Read the folktale, The Little Red Hen, to the class, or show a video of it. Good videos are available online.
  2. Have students complete the Story Map Graphic Organizer. They can choose any two events in the story.
  3. Tell the class that in the movie Thanks for Nothing! (L3U4L5), Ben and his friends are hanging out, when Ben asks them to help him do something. Do they decide to help, or do they decide not to help?
  4. Have students complete another Story Map Graphic Organizer about the movie. With a partner, students should discuss the similarities and differences between the two stories, and complete a Venn Diagram. Have partners share their ideas with the class.


  1. Watch Hear It, Say It. Students may listen and repeat sentences from the movie.
  2. Have students complete the sentences below with the gerund or infinitive of the words in parentheses. When they have finished, they can listen to Hear It, Say It to check their answers.
  3. 1. I’m bored with ______________ (watch) tv.
    2. I’m really good at ____________ (bake).
    3. I am so sorry for _________________ (disturb) you, but we don’t have the ingredients we need ____________ (bake) a cake.
    4. But you’re not interested in _______________ (help) me.
    5. Fine, I’ll go _________________ (shop) alone. But do you promise _____________ (help) me when I return?
    6. These bags are too heavy _______________(carry) alone.
    7. Gee, don’t all rush ______________ (help) me!
    8. I can’t believe you are refusing ____________ (help).
    9. Next time, I expect you ______________ (share) the work!

  4. Students do the remaining interactive features of the lesson: Play It, Warm Up, and You Can Do It.

  • Using the two Story Maps the students wrote, have partners collaborate to write their own version of The Little Red Hen story. To differentiate, do it as a Shared Writing activity.
  • Students can choose to write the above activity as a skit, and then perform the skits for the class.