Language and Content: Negative Prefixes

GRADES 3-5; 6-8; 9-12

Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes Camouflage

Students will:
  1. Explore, share, compare, and summarize the new content-specific vocabulary about camouflage in a word map activity.
  2. Identify the negative prefixes used in the movie.
  3. Cite examples of how and why animals use camouflage.


General Vocabulary
appear (v) hunt (v) tongue (n)
believe (v) plug (v, n) lamp (n)
blend in/into (v) survive (v) visible (adj)
hide (v) reason (n)

Content Vocabulary
camouflage (n) predator (n)
chameleon (n) prey (n)




  1. Watch the Vocabulary movie to introduce the new words, stopping to ask questions, give examples, and ask students to make connections to the words.
  2. Distribute copies of the Make-a-Prediction Graphic Organizer. Have students fill in the first column (What do you think it means?) from their own prior knowledge of the words and the information they learned in Vocabulary. Have them complete the second column (Definition from the movie) as they watch the movie.
  3. To study the content-specific vocabulary words in more depth, have students choose one of the following words to create a Word Map: camouflage, predator, or prey. Have them complete the Word Maps as homework. The following day, group the students together by the word they defined. Have students share and compare their Word Maps, and then present a summary to the rest of the class.
  4. Project the picture side of Flash Words onto the board or interactive white board. Students label the words they know and then flip the pictures to check if they are correct.


  1. Watch the Grammar movie. After viewing the segment for each prefix (un-, im-, in-, dis-), brainstorm other words the students might know. You can make a web on the board, and/or group the words according to their parts of speech for students to see word family patterns.
  2. Have students choose one of the negative prefixes to illustrate words on a four-square page. To differentiate, you can suggest the words to illustrate, such as images of Fighter as unfed, undressed, unleashed, unhappy. When they have finished, the class can guess the words that they illustrated.


  1. As students watch the movie Invisible Moby (L3U2L2), have them complete the second column of the Make-a-Prediction Graphic Organizer (Definition from the movie).
  2. Construct a table with the prefixes taught in this lesson. Have students fill in words from the movie as they hear them. To differentiate, turn closed-captioning on or off.

    dis un im in

  3. Write the essential questions on the board for students to think about as they watch the movie:
    a. Why do animals use camouflage?
    b. What are some things animals do to survive in nature?


  1. Watch Hear It, Say It. Students may listen and repeat sentences from the movie.
  2. Students do the remaining interactive features of the lesson: Play It, Warm Up, and You Can Do It.
  • Watch the BrainPOP movie Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes for more information about the topic.
  • Have students prepare a short report to present to the class about one of the two topics below.
    Describe an example of how an animal or human uses camouflage.
    Illustrate an example of a food chain, showing predators and prey.
    For the first option, they can watch the BrainPOP Camouflage movie, or the BrainPOP Jr Camouflage movie. For the second option, they can watch the BrainPOP Food Chain movie or the BrainPOP Jr. Food Chain movie, and/or play the Game UP games Food Chain Game and Life Preservers. Students can also use other resources for more information.