Language and Content: Passive Tense: Review

GRADES 3-5; 6-8; 9-12

Ludwig van Beethoven

Students will:
  1. Use the new vocabulary words in a Connect Two activity.
  2. Sort sentence strips on a table according to the tenses in the passive voice.
  3. Discuss different genres of music.


General Vocabulary
website (n) upload (n) admire (v)
digital (adj) record (v) relax (v)
download (v) sell (v)

Content Vocabulary
jazz (n) symphony (n) compose (v)
classical music (n) concert (n)
orchestra (n) sonata (n)

  • Gather visuals to help reinforce the vocabulary words.
  • Bring samples of jazz and classical music on a digital music player.
  • Print copies of the Farm Action Picture.
  • Print copies of the Connect Two activity.
  • Prepare the table to be completed by students while watching the movie. You can conduct this activity in whatever way works for your class, including:

    Make a set of the Passives Table Sentence Strips for each pair of students. Pairs sort the sentences according to the tenses on the blank grid.
    Prepare the sentence strips to be used on an interactive white board. Create each entry as an individual object for students to manipulate on the blank grid.
    Prepare the sentence strips on index cards to stick onto a blank grid on the board.



  1. Introduce the topic of different music genres by listening to and discussing examples.
  2. Watch the Vocabulary movie using any additional visuals you have. Stop to ask questions, give examples, provide more context, and ask students to make connections to the words.
  3. Project the picture side of Flash Words onto the board or interactive white board. Students label the words they know and then flip the pictures to check if they are correct.
  4. Do a Connect Two activity with the new words.
    Examples of sentences students might give at different levels:

    a. Classical and concert are connected because some concerts are classical music.
    b. Web site and download are connected because our favorite music can be downloaded from a web site.


  1. To review the passive voice, print out or project the Farm Action Picture. Elicit sentences using different tenses in the passive. For example:

    What chores are being done on the farm?
    What chores do you think were done yesterday?
    What chores will be done tomorrow?


  1. Show the movie Music is Downloaded (L3U1L5).
  2. In pairs, students watch the movie again and complete the Table.


  1. Watch Hear It, Say It. Students may listen and repeat sentences from the movie, or record their own voices and listen back.
  2. Students do the remaining interactive features of the lesson: Play It, Warm Up, and You Can Do It.
  • Ask students to say a sentence in the passive voice about one of the following topics. This can be done in a roundrobin exercise. Students take turns adding a sentence. When they can’t think of a new sentence, the next student starts a new topic. Suggested topics are:

    jazz music
    classical music
    classical musicians
    digital music
    the Moonlight Sonata
    symphonies and sonatas
    Beethoven’s 5th Symphony
    a favorite composer
    music on their music players